4M Spotlight

Some activities Mentor Mothers have been up to.


Camden School for Girls’ Senior Prefect Team Raises Nearly £600 for 4M Network

Extra special thanks to the Senior Prefect Team at Camden School for Girls – 6th Form – for choosing 4M Network as their charity for this year. The team organised a football tournament, a Valentine’s Day Post Office delivering anonymous messages of positivity to staff and students, and a recycling clothes drive where students donated items […]

Unheard: The Medical Practice of Silencing – a book by Rageshri Dhairyawan

Our wonderful 4M SG Chair Rageshri Dhairyawan has written a book. Unheard: The Medical Practice of Silencing is a book about who gets listened to and who doesn’t in medicine and how this leads to a culture of silencing that exacerbates health inequities, unjust differences in health, on an individual and global scale. It’s also about […]

The POWER Group

4M members Jacquelyne Alesi, Longret Kwardem, Rebecca Mbewe, Fungai Murau, Angelina Namiba, Lucy Wanjiku Njenga, Mel Rattue and Alice Welbourn are members of the POWER Group, which stands for Positive Women Engaged in Research. Together they are working to advance recognition of the critical importance of our meaningful involvement, as women living with HIV, in […]

STREAM Network

4M members Jacquelyne Alesi, Ellen Kajura Bajenja, Lucy Wanjiku Njenga, and Alice Welbourn are part of the STREAM Network (led by Lucy). STREAM stands for Stepping Stones Trainers Engaged with Activist Movements. It was created to educe violence against women living with HIV and advance our SRHR, through taking gender-transformative social norms change programmes to […]


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